Sunday, February 15, 2015

#LfBReadathong [Wrap-Up]

#LfBReadthon hosted by Jesse [Novel Heatbeat]
The Readathon is over! Yey and nay... I'm happy its over because I can keep calm and not thinking about sprinting to read to make it up in my readings, but I'm sad its over because I had fun. Here is the progress of my last day:
Currently Reading: The Jewel, by Amy Ewing [46 pages in]
Pages Read Before: 2013 pages
Pages Read Today: 440 pages
Total Pages Read: 2453 pages
Books Completed: 7 books
Books Read (review on the title):
I made it! I'm so happy that I made it. If you count it almost looks that I read a book per day, which was not the case. I really like this readathon, hoping to see it again next year!

1 comment:

  1. Holy crap, girl, way to go!! Almost 2500 pages is really impressive! Thanks for participating :)


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