Sunday, January 25, 2015

[R] Stop in the Name of Pants!, by: Louise Rennison

Stop in the Name of Pants!
(Confessions of Georgia Nicolson #9)
by: Louise Rennison


Time to gird the loins and pucker up.

Blimey O'Reilly's trousers! When Georgia embraced being the girlfriend of a Rock Legend/Luurve God, she thought that was the end of her lovenosity woes. As usual, Georgia is the last to know what she is talking about. Now there's the small matter of a snogging accident involving her matey-type mate Dave the Laugh and some toasted newts in her undercrackers. Can Georgia lock up her red bottom and throw away the key?

my thoughts

BOOK NINE is down and it was just PERFECT! I did not gave 5 stars to the other books, but this deserve it. A large applause for this book, fellas. It was Blimey O'Reilly [meaning super good]!
“I put my arm around her and said, "Jas, I have found that when you are troubled, it is often better to think of others rather than yourself. I think you would feel much better if you got me some milky coffee and jammy dodgers and I told you all about me.”
Georgia do not any more problems between choosing between Robbie and Masimo. She choose Masimo ALL the way! But he is in Pizza-a-gogo Land for a month, so she is going rampant to anywhere she wants. Of course, Dave the Laugh [or the Tart] is making the while worthy by snogging her whenever he can. Such a guy! The worst/best part is that Georgia want it too and let him and actually hope for more. Always thinking about him and all, we have another decision to make Dave or Masimo. AND that is how the book end. Crickey.
“I've never had anyone say they love me before. Libby lobes me, that is true, but there is something a bit menacing about the way she says it.”
As I said before, I'm team Dave the Laugh from day one. So I know KNOW that she will choose him, what I want to know is how that will happen. The book is HILARIOUS, as the other ones, but I love more this one. Ready for the next now.

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