Tuesday, July 30, 2013

[R] Reckoning, by: Lili St. Crow

(Strange Angels #5)
by: Lili St. Crow


Nobody expected Dru Anderson to survive this long. Not Graves. Not Christophe. Not even Dru. She's battled killer zombies, jealous djamphirs, and bloodthirsty suckers straight out of her worst nightmares. But now that Dru has bloomed into a full-fledged svetocha - rare, beautiful, and toxic to all vampires - the worst is yet to come.

Because getting out alive is going to cost more than she's ever imagined. And in the end, is survival really worth the sacrifice?

I'm pissed! I'm really fucking pissed. I still don't know what to think about the whole book, but I'm certain that I'm really fucking pissed with it. I cannot say that I didn't like it, because I did, but neither say that was awesome, perfect and all, because it wasn't. Hell! What to say?

Reasons of why I'm pissed (SPOILERS):
  1. The end.
  2. I don't know the fucking real name of Dru.
  3. Serej's death. I'm happy he died, but it was so simple that I'm pissed about it.
  4. Graves broken thingy.
  5. Christophe being weird and awkward.
  6. Shanks didn't make too many moves with Nat.
  7. Dru being such a child.
  8. Dru always into the problem.
  9. Graves burning the house of Dru's Gran.
  10. Anna's death.
  11. Dru is always blood thristy, Jezz!
  12. The fucking END.
As you can see, I'm really mad for the end stuff. I do and I will forever. I was wishing for this series to have an spin-off, but no. Lili St. Crow, you should do an spin-off about this series. Like years after this series. I really want to know what the hell will happen in the future for all the characters. Hell! I want to know, and now.

Finally, I do not recommend the series at all. The third and fourth book can be all action and stuff, but this still a crappy series without an end end. You could say that its an stupid cliffhanger that NOBODY will end. If you read it, you have been warned!

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