Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Bout of Books 16 [Day 2]

It started yesterday... and I'm not doing well still. I almost forgot about the read-a-thon per se yesterday, but I did read a little and I read a little more today. Still I suck! I challenged myself to read eight books, so right now that is not looking good. What the hell I was thinking? Ugh.
Currently Reading:

The Girl's Got Secrets, by: Linda Kage
67 / 426 pages

Show Off Your Shelves Photo Challenge
Share a picture of your books/shelves/nightstand/e-library/wherever you keep your books on Twitter, Instagram, or on this post. Use the hashtags #boutofbooks and #shelfie4boutofbooks

This picture does not gives justice to my shelves. I have two, but this is the only that looks sane enough to be shown. I got like 10 books going around other places like the floor, my car, my desk and just around, ok? So that's my only sane enough bookshelf, can I see yours? How are you doing in your reading?

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